Mom: "We have to leave, it's Step Club day and you have to be there early, where are Francie's shoes? Where's Lillie's backpack?"
Amelia, from kitchen: "Francie, you can't eat that. Give it here. That's not breakfast food."
Francie cries.
Mom: "What's wrong? And why isn't she looking for her shoes?"
Amelia: "Francie was about to eat Cheetohs. Cheetohs are not breakfast food."
Mom: "Anything that gets her out of the house is breakfast food. She eats breakfast at school anyway. Francie, get your shoes and I'll put some Cheetohs in a baggie for you to take in the car."
Francie runs off.
Amelia, in disgust: "Mom! You shouldn't let her do that."
Fred, looking in refrigerator: "What's that stuff on the top shelf?"
Mom: "Cat food. Don't eat it."
All children gather to examine cat food on top shelf. Fred: "It looks good. Angelo will probably fry it up pretty soon."
Mom: "Ewww. Maybe I should label it."
And thus goeth our mornings.