Friday, September 19, 2008


It's, like, 3:15 a.m. right now.

See, I put something else on the shelf where I had the canary cage, so I needed to find a new, cat-safe place for the canary cage. So in the meantime, I put the cage on the floor in the little girls' bathroom, with the door shut to keep the cats out. Apparently someone left the bathroom door open when they went to bed, and the cats were messing with the canary cage, and it woke me up.

I live with a constant underlying anxiety that someday, the cats will knock one of the bird cages or small animal cages over and eat the cage resident. Therefore, the clanging of metal bars at 3:00 a.m causes me to sit upright in bed, heart racing and adrenaline pumping, just before leaping up in the dark and stubbing my toe in my rush to find out what made the noise. (Everyone else in the house sleeps through it.)

I also worry about people leaving gates and doors open, because the cats and dogs will get out. As a kid, I used to stress out while watching The Wizard of Oz during its yearly TV appearance, because Dorothy never puts Toto on a leash. Didja ever notice that?

I have removed the cats from the bathroom and shut the door. I have to get back to sleep, because I have to get up and go to work in a few hours, but the adrenaline is still rushing. And the dogs heard me get up and decided they had to go out, so now I have to go retrieve them all from the back yard.

What a life. I need to find one of those intervention programs. "Hi, my name is Thurbersmom and I am a pet addict."