Our Drive: (as reconstructed later by Mom):
Dad and College Child are in Front Seat, because Mom was being nice and not making College Child sit with younger siblings. Mom, six-year-old Francie, and seven-year-old Lillie are in back seat. Lillie is in the middle.
Lillie opens box of Twinkies just purchased at Wal-Mart (against Mom's better judgment, but Mom no longer has energy to object to these things).
Francie insists on a Twinkie, which Lillie gives her. Francie has never tasted a Twinkie. Francie, apparently, does not like Twinkies.
Francie places half-eaten Twinkie on back ledge by rear window.
Dad, looking in rear-view mirror: "There's cream filling getting smeared all over the car! Get that Twinkie out of there! If you didn't want to eat it, you shouldn't have taken it!"
Francie and Lillie retrieve Twinkie and deal with it the same way they deal with everything else: They shove it at Mom.
Mom: (who has, up to this point, been avoiding the chaos in car by hanging out window and enjoying breeze, which is pleasant on one's face and also has the side benefit of blocking sound): "Why am I holding a Twinkie?"
Everyone ignores Mom. Faced with either littering by throwing Twinkie out window, or incurring Dad's wrath by spreading cream filling throughout car, Mom eats Twinkie.