Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Future As The Kids See It

Lillie turned eight years old yesterday. It's been a long eight years--two house moves, the international adoptions, a different job for Fred, a part-time job for me. I feel like it's twenty years.

Lillie stubbed her toe this afternoon and cried, and as I held her on my lap, we had this conversation:

Me: "Look at my big, eight-year old girl. Where did my little baby go?"

Lillie: "Mom, I grew up. But no matter how big I get, I'll always be your little baby."

Me: "And when you get big, I'll come and live next door to you and help take care of your kids."

Lillie, snuggling in and smiling sweetly: "That's right. I'm going to live just as close as I can to the nursing home that you're in."