Friday, January 22, 2010

Haiti Again

People just don't seem to understand the situation in Haiti.

I don't know why they wouldn't understand, but somehow it just seems like they don't.

Lillie has had a fever, so I took her to the doctor today (turns out she has an ear infection). The doctor, who has been our pediatrician since before we adopted from Haiti, breezed into the exam room and said, "I've been thinking about you guys. Are you going to go to Haiti?"

Slightly startled by this, I said, "Well, what they really need is doctors. YOU could go."

She said, "Oh, but everyone says they don't need pediatricians. They need orthopedists right now."

Not sure how to respond to this totally inaccurate statement, I finally said, "Oh, I'm sure you could stitch people up." She laughed and went on to examine Lillie.

Let's think about this. Say you got your basic severely injured person lying on the sidewalk in Haiti with no treatment, and you ask him/her, "Do you want to continue lying here with no treatment, or would you like your broken bones to be treated by a pediatrician from the United States?"

Call me crazy, but I think most people would opt for the pediatrician.